
Cattle and buffalo fabric farm shelters

Due A fabric farm shelters are an innovative structure, ideal for producing an affordable shed under a fabric structure. The wide range of available sizes means they can accommodate various internal setups, each intended for a specific stage of the production cycle, designed down to the smallest detail to make the system easier for the farmer to run and, at the same time, ensure high standards of animal welfare.

Fabric farm shelters for use as pre- and post-calving sheds, comprising multifunctional stalls, fitted out to make the daily job of cleaning the bedding areas easier. A space designed to house gestating cattle so that they are not exposed to excessive pre-calving stress, it encourages natural animal behaviours so that they recover well after calving and are in full health when the time comes for them to rejoin the herd. In addition, the dedicated area allows farmers to monitor their animals closely and provide urgent assistance more easily when required.

Fabric farm shelter for use as a calf house, an excellent alternative to classic calf pens, providing a specific area for weaning calves up to 90 days old. The comfortable environment, interior hygiene and suitably sized spaces ensure reduced spread of disease and, consequently, reduced medication use, resulting in calves that grow up healthier and stronger.Due A also produces all shed interiors, fitting out the structure with individual calf pens and special spaces that act as a filter of sorts to stop cross-contamination complete with a changing area, thus ensuring high standards of hygiene within the calf house.
We also focus on the post-weaning stage, fitting out the interior with pens accommodating a number of calves, feed rails and outside paddocks that encourage animal development and make daily cleaning easier.

Due A also produces all shed interiors, fitting out the structure with individual calf pens and special spaces that act as a filter of sorts to stop cross-contamination complete with a changing area, thus ensuring high standards of hygiene within the calf house.

We also focus on the post-weaning stage, fitting out the interior with pens accommodating a number of calves, feed rails and outside paddocks that encourage animal development and make daily cleaning easier.


Fabric farm shelter housing replacement heifers and dry heifers, excellent solution for covering pens and large bedding areas. Normally used for encouraging the cows’ growth, with easily accessed outside paddocks that promote animal welfare. An excellent alternative in terms of costs and installation times to the classic prefabricated iron shed.

The Gold Farm fabric shelter, an affordable and, at the same time, strong and innovative shed, designed for lactating cows, accessorized with motorized windbreak mesh panels at the sides that work in conjunction with the ridge opening to keep the interior comfortable, nice and open and properly ventilated when needed or, vice versa, completely closed. Great importance is placed on design and internal layout, carving out correctly sized spaces for the lying area, feed alleys, aisles and spaces for drinking, allowing for smoother stock flow and catering to the daily needs of both the animals and farmers.

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