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farm for calves?

For more than 20 years at the Livestock Service!


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  • goats for sale
  • horse stores online
  • livestock panels

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The Antonini Due A's innovation

Due A srl was founded in 1994 for the supply of heavy construction work and precision. Right away, in partnership with leading companies, it acquires technologies and experiences that allow it to develop its products.

Since January 2002, she focuses its attention mainly to the livestock sector, immediately gaining a prominent position.

Today Due A srl is counting on a dynamic and highly professional staff, able to provide its customers with high quality products and services, in order then to best meet the needs of each individual customer.

Due A srl guarantees high quality standards and makes use of experienced employees who have customer friendly approach and highly professional, ready to satisfy the most varied demands!

Farm for calves

A heavy precision structural steelwork vendor, Due A srl was founded in 1994. Creating joint ventures with main associations they have had the possibility to build immediately their own goods. From January 2002, the corporation's major target has been the cattle industry, in which it instantly obtained a well known place.

The Key Aspect

This good results was mainly thanks to a tactical area of the company, the DESIGN AND NEW PATENTS DEPARTMENT, which developed a number of new items, solutions and designs.

Work Ethics

Due A srl nowadays is backed by a energetic, highly expert office staff who can bring products and services of the highest quality to satisfy all client demands.

More information and details:

farm for calves | farm for miliking cows

We design and build livestock facilities

Prefabricated iron structures tailored for animal husbandry and agriculture in accordance with current European regulations.

With state of the art systems for the design of static and structural calculations and for the consequent implementation. always advising the best to use depending on their function.

We design and manufacture livestock covers

Self-supporting arched tunnel in total covers whose uprights must be anchored firmly to the ground. These mono arch structures or arched reinforced are considered the removable type of character of temporariness.

  1. They are designed and built to withstand:
  2. ✓ Fretting due to wind, heat sealed with reinforced protection to the contact surfaces between cloth and carpentry.
  3. ✓ Wear by natural weathering (ultraviolet rays) and particularly aggressive pollutants (smog, acid and / or basic) characteristic of industrial areas or high traffic.

We design and build biogas plants

Implementation of NEW GENERATION systems with capacities from 45 to 500 kW, with possible recovery of thermal energy for district heating of homes and stables.

There is also the possibility of advanced treatments of digestate in order to break down the nitrogen content, contributing to the resolution of problems related to its spreading.

Want more information?

Contact us now to farm for calves.

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